Living With Victory

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

Living With Victory con Laureen and Tony Giorgio

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Oferta destacada de Laureen and Tony Giorgio

Climbing Out of Your Despair with God's Promises: Hope and Encouragement
Climbing Out of Your Despair with God's Promises: Hope and Encouragement

Nothing can compare to feeling like you been thrown into the deep, dark abyss without any light to guide you. Today many of us are asking, "Where is hope?" Throughout their fifty-four years of marriage, Laureen and Tony have gone through many storms in their lives that seemed impossible to overcome—from bankruptcy to Laureen's breast cancer and many other trials and tribulations. They have learned that truly trusting Jesus will see you through to the other side every time. Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain with PEACE, JOY, and VICTORY, because Jesus is your umbrella in the midst of the storm. They are very transparent when sharing both their own life stories (and those of others) in their messages on Living with Victory Radio Podcast. They would love for you to join them and find YOUR HOPE. They can be heard on many platforms worldwide. Is there hope? YES!!! “We are hard pressed on every side YET NOT CRUSHED.”